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Kyla Pyndiura
For the past 6 years, I have been studying and working in the Concussion Program at the University of Toronto under the supervision of Dr. Michael Hutchison. The experience and knowledge that I have attained has made me extremely passionate about the field of concussion research and fuelled my keen interest in the research process. In 2020, I successfully defended my Master of Science thesis; I examined the effects of concussion on the autonomic nervous system using 24-hour heart rate variability. I am currently pursuing a PhD in which, I will be developing, evaluating, and implementing a functional prognostic testing paradigm to assist in concussion management, prognosis, and rehabilitation. I would like to become a member of T-CAIREM to gain knowledge from AI researchers in medicine and to learn about new AI techniques and analyses that I could use in my own research.
To date, I have taken various mathematical, statistical/biostatistical, and machine learning courses and have completed an array of statistical analyses. Altogether, this has allowed me to gain a better understanding of the mathematics behind analytical tests and the acquisition of statistical coding and programming skills. I would like to share my current knowledge with your community.