Course 1: Basic Programming Syllabus

Course Objectives

• To learn how to write basic Python programs involving variables, conditionals, iteration, and functions in simple combinations.

• To learn how to trace basic Python programs involving lists, dictionaries, and files.

• To learn how to implement good practices in software design (e.g., conventional naming standards, modular design).

Lecture 1: Variables and Functions

• Arithmetic and Built-in Functions
• Variables
• Strings
• Functions
• Type Conversion 
• Input and Output

Lecture 2: Conditionals and Scope

• Booleans
• If Statements
• Scope and Nesting
• More String Operations 

Lecture 3: Lists and Loops

• Lists and Ranges
• For Loops
• Accumulators
• List Methods and Mutability

Lecture 4: More Lists and Loops

• Parallel Sequences
• While Loops

Lecture 5: Dictionaries and Files

• Dictionaries
• Files
• Testing and Debugging