University Professor

Carson Leung

Computer Science


University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
Research Interests
data science, big data, data analytics, data mining, data management, data visualization, visual analytics, artificial intelligence, machine learning, health informatics.

Carson Leung is currently a Full Professor in Computer Science at University of Manitoba, Canada. He has contributed more than 400 refereed publications on topics of artificial intelligence (incl. machine learning, deep learning), big data, bioinformatics, data analytics, data management, data mining, data science, health informatics, information technology, social network analysis, and visual analytics. He received Best Paper awards in IEEE DataCom 2021, IEEE SmartData 2021, IEEE BigComp 2022, IEEE IRI 2022, and IEEE CBDCom 2023. He has also served on Organizing Committees of many international conferences (e.g., ACM KDD 2025, ASONAM 2025, DaWaK 2025, IEEE BigComp 2025, IEEE Smart World Congress 2025, IEEE DSAA 2022, ACM CIKM 2018). He is a Senior Member of the ACM and the IEEE.