Temerty Innovation Grant for AI in Medicine: Call for Proposals

• Value: $100,000
• Number of grants available: One grant
• Duration: One year
• Application Deadline: Date has now passed
• Application Procedure: Applications must be submitted using this online form: Link expired
Information session
About Us
- T-CAIREM is an interdepartmental Centre that serves as a focal point for collaboration among healthcare providers, trainees, researchers, computer scientists, engineers, and industry. Our goal is to transform health through AI.
- T-CAIREM Mission: Advance research, education, knowledge dissemination and digital infrastructure in the field of AI in medicine.
Grant Objectives
- To identify promising high risk, high reward ideas that will transform health over the next 20 years in AI in medicine.
- To encourage researchers to transcend boundaries by using diverse datasets and new technologies to improve care efficiency or patient outcomes.
- To stimulate the creation of a collaborative community focused on the innovation and implementation of AI in medicine.
• The Primary Applicant/ Principal Investigator must have a T-CAIREM affiliation, hold a University of Toronto faculty appointment, and be eligible to hold grant funding.
• Priority will be given to interdisciplinary project teams.
• Projects that utilize a variety of resources, novel data integrations and/or innovative methodologies are encouraged.
• An individual can only submit one application as a Primary Applicant. However, that same individual can be a co-principal investigator or co-investigator or team member on multiple applications.
- This FAQ document answers questions you may have about applying for the 2022 Temerty Innovation Grant.
Application Form Content and Word Counts
Applications must be submitted using this online form: Link expired
Successful proposals will be evaluated according to the following criteria:
- Clearly specify the project rationale, goals, objectives and innovative nature of project (20%)
-Title of Project
(max. 40 words)
(max. 150 words)
-Principal Applicant Institution/Faculty/Department
(max. 20 words)
-PI Position
(max. 20 words)
-Co-Principal Investigators (if applicable)
[Name, Institution/Faculty/Department, Position, email]
(max. 100 words)
-Co-Investigators (if applicable)
[Name, Institution/Faculty/Department, Position, email]
(max. 100 words)
-Project Proposal
(max. 800 words) - Research approach and methods (20%)
(Max. 1200 words) - Project impact (20%)
(Max. 200 words) - Research team and roles. Preference is given to interdisciplinary project teams (20%)
(Max. 200 words) - Feasibility including project milestones and timelines (20%)
(Max. 600 words) - Budget justification. We welcome projects augmenting current research funds, partnerships, or matching (cash or in-kind) to demonstrate commitment to the initiative. Funds can be used to support student RAs, student stipends, data access and storage, conferences, open access fees, etc. Eligible expenses must align with the University of Toronto’s Guide to Financial Management
(Max. 400 words) - References
(Max. 500 words)
Submission Process
Submissions must include the following:
- A completed application form.
- Completed abbreviated CVs of PI and co-PIs (max. 5 pages each) in PDF format. This sample PDF CV template can help guide you.
- Applications must be submitted online
Application Review Procedures
- Applications will be reviewed by an international panel of top experts with both AI and clinical expertise.
- Applicants will be provided with feedback and the opportunity to respond to comments from adjudicators.
- Responses will be evaluated, and decisions will be made based on both, innovation and feasibility being top priorities.
- Here are the project evaluation criteria the adjudicators will be using (PDF).
- Decisions will be announced by December 2022.
Additional Award Benefits
- Within the first six months of the award, the PI +/- co-PIs will have the opportunity to present their research at the Temerty Centre Speaker Series
- The project and related findings will be presented at the T-CAIREM AI in Healthcare Symposium in 2023
- Opportunities to host the dataset in the T-CAIREM Health Data Nexus
- A final summary report must be submitted at the end of the project funding period which will be published on the T-CAIREM website (within three months).
More Information
• Here are the projects that were awarded grants in 2021.
• Zoryana Salo, T-CAIREM Centre Administrator.