Come and help T-CAIREM shape the future of AI in health education
T-CAIREM is seeking passionate volunteer UofT trainee affiliates to work alongside our Education team to develop exciting educational programs for our growing community.
T-CAIREM is the catalyst for healthcare of the future. We're developing AI education programs, funding research, and providing a secure data platform for applied learning and research. Our growing community has more than 1700 members and is now the largest AI in medicine network in Canada!
Description of Role
The responsibilities and expected time commitment depend on your interests and how much time you'd like to contribute — we're flexible and would like you to be engaged in things that excite you!
The estimated time commitment is approximately 2 to 4 hours per week.
Here are some examples of the types of activities you could get involved in:
• Serving as an adjudicator and moderator/host for T-CAIREM activities such as annual Trainee Rounds
• Providing ideas and feedback on T-CAIREM events and activities
• Guiding T-CAIREM's education and training initiatives
• Building capacity in AI in medicine for undergraduate, graduate, and post-graduate trainees
• Creating professional and up-skilling opportunities.
Eligibility Criteria
• Applicants must be current University of Toronto students/trainees and must remain registered students while holding this role
• Applicants can be at any training level (undergraduates, graduates, post-graduates, or residents) and do not need to be in medicine. However, preference will be given to students in medicine, medical sciences, or Artificial Intelligence
• Applicants must be available for a one-year term
• Successful applicants must be available to attend regularly scheduled meetings
• Applicants must be a T-CAIREM member.
To Apply
• Briefly outline (max. 200 words) your answers to these two questions:
Question 1: Why are you passionate about T-CAIREM's education initiatives?
Question 2. What creative ideas do you have to advance T-CAIREM's educational initiatives?
• A current CV in PDF or .docx format (There is no page limit, but please upload as one file)