Student  |  Data Science student

Vasudev Sharma

University of Toronto - Machine Learning


University of Toronto
Toronto, Ontario Canada
Research Interests
Clinical Interests
Deep Learning, Data Science, Machine Learning, Data Visualization, Trustworthy AI, Self-Supervised Learning, data modelling, Limited labels, Semi-supervised learning

I'm Vasudev Sharma, an incoming Master's student at UofT in the Computer Science department. I'm a research aspirant whose interest lies in Medicine and AI. My long-term plan is to democratize the use of AI solutions in the healthcare domain to increase its access, affordability, and adoption.

Previously, I've worked at the research lab: NeuroPoly, Canada -- working on the intersection of Neuroimaging and AI. There, I developed AxonDeepSeg; a tool to semantically segment axons/myelin from histolopatholigical images using Unet, a Deep Learning architecture. Moreover, I've worked as a deep learning research intern at Brain and Cognition Research Center(CerCo lab, CNRS, France), where I worked on analysing and predicting EEG brain signals using Deep Learning.

T-CAIREM is leading the innovation front-end in the intersection of AI and Healthcare. The diverse community of researchers, scientists, and practitioners, working in a collaborative environment at T-CAIREM towards one social cause of improving, and providing better Healthcare solutions using AI is what excites me. I would like to be a part of this amazing community to learn about the ongoing research work, be a part of this revolution of solving Healthcare problems using AI, and gain a deeper understanding and greater exposure to AI and medicine.