Assistant Professor

Pingzhao Hu

Data scientist - Bioinformatics, Statistics, AI, Radiogenomics, cheminformatics


University of Toronto
Research Interests
Bioinformatics, Genomics, Radiogenomics, Statistical Genetics, Cheminformatics, Medical Imaging

Dr. Pingzhao Hu is a tenured Associate Professor in bioinformatics and statistical genetics in the Department of Biochemistry and Medical Genetics and an Adjunct Professor in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Manitoba (UM), and an Assistant Professor (Status-Only) in the Division of Biostatistics at the University of Toronto. Prior to joining UM in 2014, Dr. Hu had led the Statistical Analysis Facility at The Centre for Applied Genomics in The Hospital for Sick Children for 8 years. Dr. Hu received his Ph.D. in computer science from York University in 2012. His group develops and applies novel artificial intelligence (AI) and statistical algorithms for integrative analysis of high-throughput multimodal (genomic and imaging, etc) data to understand the causal association between the human genome and phenome for better disease diagnosis and treatment. He is a recent receipt of The Interstellar Initiative Award funded by the New York Academy of Sciences and Japan Agency for Medical Research and Development. He received the 2019 Terry G. Falconer Memorial Rh Institute Foundation Emerging Researcher Award in Interdisciplinary Category and holds the Manitoba Medical Services Foundation Allen Rouse Basic Science Career Scientist (2020-2023).