Member  |  Assistant Professor

Erin Dickie

(CAMH) Centre for Addiction and Mental Health - Krembil Centre for Neuroinformatics


(CAMH) Centre for Addiction and Mental Health
Toronto, Ontario Canada
Research Interests
mental health, neuroimaging, multi-modal, precision medicine

Dr. Erin Dickie (PhD, Neurological Sciences, McGill University) is a Staff Scientist in the Kimel Lab and the Krembil Centre for Neuroinformatics (KCNI) at CAMH and an Assistant Professor in Psychiatry at the University of Toronto. She is an invited instructor and member of international initiatives for education and best scientific practices, including the Researcher Council for the Digital Research Alliance of Canada. She is also the lead of Education and Open Science for KCNI. Her research studies brain connectivity in people with complex brain disorders (i.e., Autism and Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorders). She leads, with co-PIs Dr. Colin Hawco and Dr. Stephanie Ameis, the CIHR funded follow-up with SPINS and SPIN-ASD (SPIN-R). Additionally, she is also the neuroimaging lead for the ground-breaking, large-scale Toronto Adolescent and Youth Cohort (TAY) Study. Additionally, Dr. Dickie received a Brain & Behavior Research Foundation NARSAD Young Investigator Award to investigate how personalized mapping may be a critical first step for the design of targets for neurostimulation therapy. Dr. Dickie founded the “ciftify” open software framework for surface-based analyses of MR data, collaborating with the Human Connectome Project.