
Chris Anderson

Data scientist - AI in Healthcare, Machine Learning, Advanced Analytics, Venture Capital

B. Eng, M. Eng

University of Toronto
Toronto, Ontario Canada
Research Interests
Multiomics Data Analysis

Mr. Anderson is a highly motived self-learner who seeks to bridge the gap between various disciplines of Machine Learning in medicine and pave the way for a brighter future with unshakable optimism and unrelenting determination. He has acquired a diverse set of skills ranging from machine learning to medicine, software development and Aerospace Engineering. Chris is currently working towards an M. Eng in Data Science and Advanced Analytics at the University of Toronto, while also working in different research labs focused on AI adoption and commercialization in medicine. 

His research interests include leveraging the power of machine learning and advanced analytics to develop equitable AI tools, leading to improved patient outcomes and hospital efficiency. Developing an artificial intelligence-integrated database for various applications in medicine. Analyzing datasets to develop new prognostic and predictive models and to discover new therapeutic strategies with the aim to significantly improve disease management.

For his work in Aerospace Engineering, Chris has worked on novel projects, presented at reputed conferences and published articles in high-ranking scientific journal.

He is also a successful entrepreneur in technology startups and currently involved with A2Z Venture Capital which solely focuses on investments on startups focusing on AI in Medicine.

Mr. Anderson wants to establish himself as the go to technical person regarding investing in startups focused on commercializing ML in Medicine. Also an advisor to attract foreign investment and educate foreign investment in AI medicine tech in Toronto.

Affiliations: University of Toronto Temerty Faculty of Medicine Centre for Artificial Intelligence Education and Research in Medicine (T-CAIREM), Vector Institute for Artificial Intelligence, Creative Destruction Lab. Mentor at Founder Institute, Techstars and many more.