Dec 15, 2023  |  ALL DAY

Application Deadline: 2024 T-CAIREM Summer Student Research Program


T-CAIREM is committed to funding the next generation of researchers in Artificial Intelligence (AI) in medicine. This program introduces students in undergraduate and professional programs such as medicine to AI research in health. We hope it encourages students from universities across Canada to pursue careers that use AI to make biomedical discoveries, improve clinical care, and create better health outcomes. 

30 paid summer studentships are available in 2024. Students who are accepted into the program will carry out summer AI research projects under the supervision of a T-CAIREM member.

The application deadline is December 15, 2023 (Friday).

Students will be required to work full-time for a minimum of 10 weeks between May 1, 2024 and  August 31, 2024.

New for 2024: We're accepting applications from faculty supervisors affiliated with any T-CAIREM Network partner to supervise UofT students. Non-UofT students will be supervised by a UofT faculty member.

Specific start and end dates can be arranged directly with the hiring supervisor. This program does not cover part-time projects or projects less than 10 weeks long.    

Faculty supervisors must ensure the students they're working with submit a one-page abstract of their research findings to the T-CAIREM Centre Administrator before the year-end mini-conference. The supervisor should also guide students on how to write a complete scientific abstract. 

Click for full details and to apply

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Dominic Ali
Communications Specialist 647-378-6425